February 2010


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Feb. 9th, 2010


noteworthy events!

In the wake of the death of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, the Rebel Alliance moved quickly to fashion a makeshift government as the Empire collapsed in on itself. One week after the Battle of Endor, several key members of the Rebel Alliance came together to figure out how to proceed.

The Declaration of the Alliance of Free Planets was a document which established the basic foundation and values that would guide the direction of the Provisional Council as they moved towards the establishment of the New Republic through the short-lived Alliance of Free Planets. Drafted by Mon Mothma and signed one week after the Battle of Endor, the document was replaced four weeks later by the Declaration of a New Republic.

Although the Alliance of Free Planets that it created technically governed for only a month, it marked an important transition from the wartime governance of the Alliance to Restore the Republic towards a peacetime governance that would be seen in the New Republic.

The signatories were:

* Chief of State Mon Mothma of Chandrila
* Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan
* Kerrithrarr of Kashyyyk
* Doman Beruss of Corellia
* Jenssar SoBilles of Duro
* Borsk Fey'lya of Kothlis
* Verrinnefra B'thog Indriummsegh of Elom
* Admiral Ackbar of Mon Calamari
* Sian Tevv of Sullust


The Force is brought back into balance when Anakin Skywalker destroys the Sith. However the Order of the Sith Lords lived on, since Palpatine cloned himself on Byss for the first time.

The Empire Reborn was a faction of the Imperial Remnant led by the Dark Jedi Hethrir, the Imperial Procurator of Justice and a former student of Darth Vader. As a secret movement arising after the destruction of the second Death Star at Endor, it infiltrated the New Republic for a number of years as it built up its power base.

Lord Hethrir recruited powerful allies to his cause including Admiral Galak Fyyar, former Jedi student Desann, and the shadowy Inquisitor, Antinnis Tremayne. Financing its operations by slavery, the Empire Reborn trained a large army of Force-sensitive warriors that would soon be used against the future New Republic and its Jedi.


The Liberation of Tatooine was an uprising during the Galactic Civil War.

Some time prior to the Battle of Endor, control of Arkanis sector and most of the planets within its borders, had fallen to the Rebel Alliance. This was merely a temporary arrangement, as Imperial forces close to the sector were preparing to launch a counter-offensive and reclaim Arkanis once again. Although the extent and success of the operation is unknown, the Empire did try to retake Tatooine.

The initial engagement went in its favor and Imperial rule appeared to be re-established. However, after four long years of occupation and brutal harassment, the population had had enough, and the conquering forces were subjected to a massive uprising.

During the battle, Dark Jedi Sariss, who had worked for the local Imperial Governor, Tour Aryon, for many years, now saw an opportunity to leave her menial job by "disappearing" in the upheaval and link up with her master, Inquisitor Jerec, elsewhere.

Although the exact details of the battle were unknown, the cheering masses covering the streets of Mos Eisley pointed to a defeat of the invading forces in its vicinity.

The liberation of Tatooine, coupled with the death of notorious gangster Jabba the Hutt, opened Tatooine up to influence from more benevolent authorities like the New Republic. Unfortunately, it also began a series of wars between local rival gangs who were attempting to capitalize on the loss of the gangster boss.

[OOC These are a list of events of note that your characters can comment on/react to/or, in the case of the liberation of Tattooine, possibly take part in.]